
The 8 Characteristics of the Awesome Adjuster
A MUST read for anyone involved in the insurance claims industry- provides a glimpse into what the most effective claims professionals do to make their jobs easier. This book has been the number one selling claims book every year since its release in 2005, and has sold in over 32 countries around the world.
Gaining Cooperation for the Workers' Compensation Professional
Designed to help any Workers' Comp Professional who deals with injured workers on a regular basis- provides the reader with a simple three- step process to not only getting the injured worker's cooperation, but to improving customer service.
The 8 Characteristics of the Awesome Employee
The difference between a good and an awesome employee isn’t the individual’s talent, intelligence, educational background, or job knowledge; it is attitude. Author Carl Van focuses on how anyone can develop the right perspective to become a first-rate employee.
Awesome Claims Customer Service
Awesome Claims Customer Service - Part 1 provide tips, strategies and recommendations for claims professionals to both improve the customer experience while making their jobs easier.
Gaining Cooperation
Designed to help anyone who deals with customers on a regular basis- provides the reader with a simple three-step process to not only getting the customer's cooperation, but to improving customer service.
Attitude, Ability and the 80/20 Rule
This book explores the connection between one’s attitude toward his/her job responsibilities and one’s ultimate performance. It makes the case that a person’s performance is 80% their attitude toward their job, and only 20% their technical skill level and knowledge.
Negotiation Skills for the Claims Professional
Negotiation Skills for the Claims Professional is a straight forward, real-life approach to negotiations from the perspective of the claims professional. Short on complicated theory, and heavy on real-life situations, this book highlights many simple yet powerful approaches to negotiating with customers and even attorneys.
The Claims Cookbook: A Culinary Guide to Job Satisfaction
The Claims Cookbook: A Guide to Culinary Job Satisfaction. A cookbook for claims professionals. These are REAL recipes for delicious meals, but with a claims professional twist, such as Boston "Claim" Chowder and "Attorney Red Beans and Lies." Each recipe comes with a humorous story that any claims professional can relate to. The only cookbook in the world written by claims professionals for claims professionals.